Saturday, December 11, 2004

Chapstick, Chapped Lips, & Things Like Chemistry

My new jeans are a little small on me. Now I have conflicting interests. I want to grow a little more because I need to be 6 feet tall, and males don't stop growing completely until they're 25, but if I grow, my jeans will be even smaller. Well, if I don't gain weight and obtain washboard abs, it will serve two purposes. My jeans will fit a little better, and I'll look like a stud.

Man, tonight feels weird. I think it has to do with the fact that everyone is studying, well, a lot of people are, and the semester is over in a few days. It's weird how in college, the end of the semester feels like the end of the year or something. Because I mean, most of us are going to be gone from school for over a month. It's almost like a mini summer. I think A&M has a really long Christmas Break, so it's more like a mini summer than other schools. This has been a really interesting semester, but then again, life always seems to be very interesting lately. I've learned so much, and met so many cool people. And when I say I've learned so much, I don't really mean academically. Hahahaha. That's kinda bad, but the fact that I didn't learn a whole lot academically has taught me a lot. Well, I've learned my lesson: That it's better to study a lot and not have as much of a social life, because if you don't study and just have a good social life, eventually it will catch up with you and you won't have a social life anymore either. For one, if you really slack off, you'll be kicked out of college. But, in my case, my parents are mad at me and I've been stuck in my room studying lately because I had too much of a social life earlier in the semester. Maybe it wasn't so much of having too much of a social life, but I guess I just had too much fun at the beginning. Whatever, next semester, I'm gonna own. I'm looking forward to the fresh start. I'm also looking forward to Christmas Break. Part of me is a little sad I won't see my friends for a while, because I'm gonna be in Dallas. Hopefully I can visit Houston for part of the break. But anyway, it's just going to be nice to be at home, in my own room, with my great family, and I'm really looking forward to having my pets there too. I think I'm going to walk my dog every day. It's stuff like that I miss. Just being able to go walk my dog while the sun is setting before dinner. The sunsets where I live are so great. It's so nice. I really miss being able to come downstairs from my room when I feel kind of lonely too and just watch TV with my parents or talk or play a board game or something. That's one thing I know I took for granted before college. Just always knowing that my parents are right there and knowing I can go spend time with them and talk with them whenever I want. I have really great parents! And I get to work when I go home and go to Prestonwood Baptist to church, which I'm looking forward to. It's a really great church and I enjoy working in the bookstore there. But, anyway, I guess this blog post is just a summary of stuff I've learned and thought about this semester. All my friends who read this, I just want to say that I'm so glad every one of you are my friends and I feel blessed to have all the great friends I do. And I hope everything is going well for you guys. Alright, well, I mean, it's not like I'm going to stop posting over Christmas Break. But this is just a semester-concluding post. Haha. I'm weird.

Fer shizzle.


At December 11, 2004 at 8:25 PM, Blogger Sean said...

If it would make her feel better, yes, I would take the pain.

At December 12, 2004 at 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope you get to come to houston for some part over christmas break as well...
otherwise i will be sad...

have a great week. good luck on finals kiddo!
-lindsey mac


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