Tuesday, March 27, 2007

crimson and cloverrrr...over...and overr

Hm...I'm listening to a song called "Tim McGraw" by Taylor Swift. (thanks ms. taylor). Eh, it's a girl singing a country song, is that weird that I like it? I think it's a good song. Just, if I ever like a country song where a girl is singing I feel less masculine for liking it or something. There is a point to all this, though. The lyrics in this song made me realize how much of a sucker I am for lyrics. Sometimes they're really meaningful or profound, or in this song's case...they just remind me of something that I really enjoyed, or make me look forward to meeting my wife, or making memories with people that I'll never forget.

Thinking about all of that made me think about something I realized this semester. For the longest time I thought I was an optimist. But, I realized this semester that I'm actually an idealist, not an optimist. Being an idealist is kinda cool, sometimes, though. It makes things easy to hope for. I dunno, I like who I am. I guess I don't always like who I am, but I'm glad God made the way He did. But yeah, in conclusion, I'm an idealist. Idealists are cool. But...yeah, it gets me into trouble sometimes.

If you ever see me driving around in College Station, I'll probably be singing. It's because my voice isn't so great, and it's the only place where no one else can hear me for sure. So, if you see me...don't make fun of me. Singing in the car is where it's at.


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