Plethera of Posting
I want to learn the Napoleon Dynamite dance. Soo badly. When I hear that song that he dances to in the movie, I have no choice but to get down, down, down...
Haven't updated in a while...Until now. I guess for a little bit I just wanted to keep my thoughts to myself or something. Or maybe I just got lazy and didn't feel like typing them. But, it's 3:11 Friday morning, and I decided I wanted to write some stuff in here.
This has been a good week. And by good, I don't mean things have gone my way, or that it's been an easy week. I just know it's been a good week because, looking back on it, I feel like I'm a stronger person with a different outlook on things as opposed to last Friday at least. Maybe I'm not that much stronger, and my views on things aren't really too different, but I'm different now.
This has actually been the hardest week for me of the semester. I had three tests and two quizzes. Blah. But I finished my last test at 9:30 tonight. Sooo glad that's over.
This past weekend was my grandparents' 50th anniversary. It was amazingly fun to be able to fly there and back. I don't think I've ever met anyone that shares my happiness to step onto a plane. This trip took my plane-loving to a new level. When I got on the plane, I actually rubbed my hand on the outside of the plane as I was walking through the entry door just to feel the fuselage of a beautiful commercial airliner. I'm not crazy, I promise. It's just my passion. But aside from the plane flying, I got to hang out with my grandparents a lot. I don't get to see my extended family much, because they all live in Ohio or Michigan, but it seems like every time I see them, it's a better and better experience. I know it's because I'm getting older, and I realize more and more how cool it is that I have the opportunity to get to know people that have lived for a lot longer than me, seen so much, have been married 50 years, and raised my Dad(in this case). I just realize more and more as the years go by how cool that is. So, it was really good to see my grandparents and talk to them and hang out with them. Family is one of the greatest gifts God gives us here on this Earth, I'm convinced of now. Of course, you always hear while you're growing up that family is important, that no one loves you like your family, and that your family will always be there for you. The value of family has always been there in my head, but as I grow older, I'm really finding my own value of family. I'm so grateful for parents that love me like they do, and raised me to love and fear God, and respect people. And I'm so grateful that I have the sister that I do, and now a brother-in-law. I used to think when my sister got married, she would be distant and kinda severed from the family. But now, I see her just as much as I would if she still lived with us and now I even have a brother! So basically, I've just come to realize what a blessing family is, and how I especially am blessed with the family I have, even if sometimes I get annoyed with my parents and am glad I'm at college, haha.
Tonight I finally came to a peace with where I am in my life. I am okay that I don't have a girlfriend, and that the things that I used to cherish aren't the same anymore, that sometimes things that happen in my life hurt, and not everything goes the way I would have wanted it to. It has taken me a while to be thankful that I am at the place I am now, but now I know in my head and my heart that absolutely everything in my life is the way it is because God wants it to be that way. Because he knows the future and his plans for me are so much better than any blueprint I could lay out for my own life. And things that I feel like I'm lacking, is just an opportunity for me to ask God to fill that void in my life. He always provides. I know he would never put me, or you, in a situation that you couldn't bear or something that even if painful, would not produce the greatest results in your life. So, tonight, I finally feel at peace with where I am.
I also realized today that I'm sick of compromising in my life. I'm done with settling for what the world has to offer me, and I'm choosing God's way, no compromises. I know I'm not going to be perfect in keeping my focus on God, but I realized tonight that I can't keep compromising for the filth that this world calls happiness. And I'm just happy that I realized that once and for all.
"What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Romans 7:24-25
Another thing God reminded me of this week is how awesome His word is...and come to think of it, of course it's awesome, because it's His word to us! God speaking to me, how cool. Well, I'll end this post on that note, that God is awesome and I am so thankful for the countless blessings he has graciously given me.