Death Cab For Cutie
Randomness ensues...
I like my mouse. It's wireless. And big, and comfortable in my hand. And metallic blue.
This weekend has been just...pretty lame. The highlight of my weekend so far has been going to IHOP. I went to IHOP with Sean tonight because we were both really bored and needed to get out. We were getting dorm fever, or at least I was. Too much Warcraft (A game I play too much). Anyway, IHOP was really good though. I got the International Omelette. It had salsa on top and came with three really good pancakes. I took Sean's advice and put some boisenbury syrup on my pancakes, along with a little butter pecan. It was a good blend. Sean, on the other hand, put every kind of syrup on his pancakes. They were drowning, and it looked not good. Sean's crazy like that. Oh, and he put eggs on his pancakes too. That's even more weird. Sorry, Sean, but that's weird man. Apparently, I'm the only person who is brave enough to tell him that's weird. And by the only person, I mean out of me and Kelly Adams, I'm the only one who says anything. So stop being afraid of Sean, Kelly, and tell him that it's weird that he puts eggs on his pancakes. Okay, sorry, I'll stop talking about specific people and making you feel left out for me not saying your name. Oh, wait, one more quick mention of that crazy guy. He ate all of his food and still wasn't full, so we had to go to McDonald's, and the McDonald's by IHOP wasn't serving breakfast yet, so we had to go to the one on Southwest Parkway so he could get a McGriddle sandwich. Strange. But, I got an apple pie, and it was McFantastic.
To the window, to the wall, til the sweat drops...down, and falls...haha. I downloaded that song a long time ago and I was playing all my songs on random and it was just playing. Haha, that song was fun at one time. Now it's just gangster.
Tonight, I almost ran over someone pulling into a parking space. Well, I saw him, and he was hesitating to walk across the parking spot I was going to park in, so I just pulled in. So, he got in some friend's truck and they had the windows down so he yelled something at me when I got out of my car. All I heard was "homie, blah blah". It sounded like gibberish. I said what, and he said the gibberish again. So, stupidly, I went up to the truck and was like "what are you saying??". He said it again, but still...gibberish. So I was just like, ummm, I don't know what you're talking about and just kinda laughed and walked away. I'm glad they didn't shoot me. I'm just a man who knows when he wants to park.
Hey cutie, there's a death cab, and it's coming for you.
Death Cab For Cutie is the name of a band if you didn't know.
Ahhh, I'm listening to Alan Parsons Project right now. I picked this stuff up from my dad. It's kinda old, and might sound lame to some people, but I think it's really good. I just found out recently from my dad that this band was actually formed by a guy who recruited a bunch of back-up singers to form a band. That's why it's called the Alan Parsons Project. I guess the guy that was finding all these guys was named Alan Parsons. Maybe he was a back up singer himself who felt back up singers were looked down upon and needed to show the world their talent by forming their own band. Who knows, but I like it. It's soothing, and catchy. I ask some people sometimes if they have ever listened to Alan Parsons Project, and most people don't even know what it is. If you have ever listened to Alan Parsons Project and actually remember what it sounds like, you should leave a comment and let me know that there are others out there that have listened to them.
I donated plasma on Friday. I'm really desperate for money, and for those of you that don't know, you can donate plasma and get paid. Bling bling. The first time you go it takes like 3 hours though because they have to interview you a million times and have to take a blood sample and a urine test and all this stuff. It's crrrrazy. I didn't like it at all. They stuck this huge steel needle right into my vein and I watched my blood go into a machine and then watched a big container fill up with my plasma, from my body. I hate that. I hate seeing what's inside of me. But, I'm thinking this will conquer my fear of that stuff. And more importantly, I'll be making money so I can go eat at IHOP and stuff like that. And I owe my roommate 50 dollars for that game, World of Warcraft. He bought it originally and it didn't work on his computer, so I stole it from him, with his knowledge. But, I owe him 50 dollars. 50 dollars for an addiction that is taking up my life!
Juls0021: hey let's recall fun times we've had
Oh Julie, you're crazy. In a great way.
Juls0021: remember the time you hung the rubber chicken with my
purse strap (the leash)??
Juls0021: from sra stark's ceiling?
Juls0021: that was pretty cool
High times.
Well, I think that's all for this blog post. Writing this post ranks pretty high on the excitement level for this weekend, so I guess that's good, haha. Thanks for reading my blog.
Swiss and colby jack cheese.