Wow, I'm pretty bad about updating my blog. I guess it's just that I go through periods of my life where I don't feel like blogging....but I'm gonna try to honestly blog more consistently, because it's pretty fun. I hope people read this...if they don't well, I guess they're too cool for me, and school. Anyway, here it goes...
Ok, well, the reason why I decided to blog tonight was because of a mr. sean murphy's away lyrics. It's always song lyrics that cause me to want to write in this blog. Well, not always, but a lot. Ok so his away message was part of Billy Joel's song "She's Always A Woman To Me". It's a good song. Here's the part that got me: "She can kill with a smile, She can wound with her eyes. She can ruin your faith with her casual lies. And she only reveals what she wants you to see. Yeah, she hides like a child, But she's always a woman to me". Thanks, Sean, for typing that, so I could just copy and paste it from your away message. Ok, so that might sound like its making women sound bad or something, but I mean, honestly, it's true...I mean, ok, so the kind of woman I want to end up with doesn't casually lie, but all the rest is so true. A girl's smile can do so much to you, and looking into the eyes of a girl can just make you wonder how they are so pretty. Girls, at least to me, do only reveal what they want you to see. I get so confused by them sometimes, and I'm out there saying everything I'm thinking to them. least in my experience, girls seem to run a lot of times from conflict. I don't mean that in a degrading way to girls, but it just seems that when a conflict arises with a person, they tend to run from it. Anyway, I was just thinkin about that after reading Sean's away message. Girls-you confuse me, but I don't know what I would do without you. haha, to end this paragraph about girls, or...women, I will quote yet another song, this time by John Mayer. "Boys you can break. You find out how much they can take. Boys will be strong, and boys soldier on...but boys would be gone without wonderful woman's good, good heart". So true.
So, um, today is my birthday. Yeah, July 8th...haha i get excited just thinking about it. I love when it's my birthday. On July 9th, I always think about how I have 364 more days until my next birthday and get sad...oh, and on leap year i have 365 more days til my next birthday, daaaang. But, yeah I can finally say I'm 19 now instead of 18. My birthday is so far behind everyone else in my "grade", I always enjoy the first 6 months or so after my birthday because I'm actually the same age as everyone else, but then I feel really young saying I'm whatever age I am because people think I'm a grade younger. I get almost tempted to lie and say I'm older. Yes, I know it's dumb. Anyway, I got a new car last week. I guess that's kinda my birthday present. 2003 Chevy Trailblazer...word to your mother. But, my parents are soo cool that they bought me some new sunglasses too. Well, I've never had a nice pair of sunglasses before so this is cool for me. I asked for some Ray-Ban aviators, I found some really cool ones that aren't like gigantic and they wrap around a little and I think they look really cool. And I'm pretty positive they got them so I'm pretty excited about that. Ok, I guess this isn't too exciting for you...but I'm excited, so just be excited that I'm excited.
Wow, John Mayer is the bomb diggity. Sometimes I just get into moods where I can't stop listening to him. Speaking of music, again...I'm into country music now. If you find the right stuff, it's really good. I wonder if this is just a phase...there was a period of about a week where all I listened to was "I miss Mayberry" and "Fast Cars and Freedom" by Rascal Flatts. Now I'm sick of those songs, but I like country still. It's just...Texan, and I'm proud to be a Texan. Go Texas, coolest state ever!!
Ok, so I got this shirt at Foley's a few days ago. I saw it and was just like, whoa. And it was only like 12 bucks. I don't think I've ever put photos on my blog before, but I saw Sean do it so I know it's possible. What I'm gonna try to do is take a picture of my shirt and put it on here. I havne't done any of this yet. It's like...real time. Ok I'm gonna go take a picture of my shirt, brb...
Yep, so I think that's pretty much the coolest shirt ever. Haha. Well, in case you didn't pick up on it, it's a take off on Girls Gone first I wondered if I should feel guilty but I don't cuz I mean, it's just squirrels...squirrels are awesome and harmless. I'm just glad they're not humping each other or something. Very glad.
This paragraph is dedicated to Miss Katherine Louise Hill, who resides in England at the moment. But she goes to a&m, weird, huh? As I write this I'm talking to her on AIM. Check this out:
texaskatie66: i just threw up all over my laptop
texaskatie66: and my bed
texaskatie66: ewwwwwww
Wow, that doesn't give a very good impression of her. But, she didn't actually throw up. But, it just goes to show that living in England kinda makes you crazy. I just met her at the end of 2nd semester and she's a baller and a half. You should IM her: texaskatie66, as indicated above. Watch out, though, she's a pistol.
Wow, this has already been such a great bday. I've had like 5 people wish me a happy birthday. Go facebook and birthday reminders! Well, I have good friends too so I can't give all the credit to facebook. But, I'm kinda drained on things to say. It felt good to post again, though. I'll be doing it a lot more often so keep a look out, or something, or other.
Annnnd I'm spent.